The Network Engineer Toolkit

What exactly does one need in their backpack to resurrect a dead network device? Coming from a systems administrator background, the engineer’s backpack was merely a laptop with power brick, a network cable and a Leatherman multi-tool device. Honestly, the...

3 minute read

There's knowing... And then there's knowing.

The summary of the message this evening is that we system administrators are very much spoiled by our Operating System providers (Red Hat, in my case). It amazes me that, every time I think I really understand a subject, I...

3 minute read

SmartNet Encore

A close friend of mine reminded me of one last frustration with SmartNet and I didn’t want to forget to post it. So, forgive this one last SmartNet post in order for me to ensure the record is more complete....

2 minute read

SmartNet II - How deep the rabbit hole goes...

In my previous post, I began to describe differences between SmartNet and my previous experiences with server hardware support coverage as a systems architect. Now, we will continue the exposition. A contract number is used to tie Cisco hardware or...

3 minute read

SmartNet... Is it really that "Smart"?

Hardware failure repairs. Firmware updates. Software updates. Facts of life for the IT professional. As are the support contracts that provide those services. In some ways, they provide restful sleep at night. In others, nothing but inexperience induced frustration. As...

3 minute read

Windows or Linux - Why does it have to matter?

A fairly long post today that focuses mainly on the Systems to Network engineer transition. Might be interesting to those networkers who are curious about a day in the life of ‘those systems guys’. As a Linux systems engineer, over...

4 minute read

How do you start a new job without changing employers?

Yet another blog about technology? Well, not exactly. Yes, there might be some technology posts here and there, with the requisite code or configurations or diagrams. By and large, I hope this will be much more. First things first, though....

2 minute read

Conflicts of Interest Declarations

Summary In short, this site is my blog, containing my thoughts, opinions, and analysis about technology, life, etc. I do not accept direct, monetary compensation to produce any specific content for any specific vendor, group, etc. It goes without saying...

2 minute read