How do you start a new job without changing employers?

2013, Jun 06    

Yet another blog about technology? Well, not exactly. Yes, there might be some technology posts here and there, with the requisite code or configurations or diagrams. By and large, I hope this will be much more. First things first, though.

I have been a Linux aficionado since late 1993, running the original Slackware 1.x distributions. Living in academia most of my life, the Linux hobby grew very quickly into a real responsibility throughout my studies and then into post-graduate employment supporting scientific research on Linux. Over the years, I’ve grown into a Linux Architect role for scientific computing.

At the beginning of 2013, I was offered the opportunity to transition to a Network Architect role. In the few years leading up to that point, I had become more heavily involved in the Cisco network configuration, operation, and design for the HPC environment as well as its impact on the campus Internet connectivity. Additionally, the architect skills and responsibilities would transfer without any issues.

Even with that background, I could not assume a networking role at that level (Architect) and quality on day one. The years of experience required and breadth of exposure needed simply required that: time. Fortunately, the institution has been supportive in many ways and continued support will be essential to us being successful.

Enter this site - I am making a rapid transition, in the perspective of network expertise level, from an analyst (level 2) to an architect (level 4). The learning curve has already been huge and will continue to be so for many months to come. Hopefully, the insights I provide here will shed some light on the skills required for those who are looking to take that next step.