New location, fresh reboot

2020, Oct 25    

I’ve decided to relocate my blog content to something a little more developer and automation engineer friendly. Tumblr - the previous hoster of my content - has quite frankly become a bit less professional than when I began over 7 years ago.

Honestly, the content I’ve been desiring to post has matured over the years as well, becoming less of a side hobby to document snippets of learned information. Now, this contents is something I consider much more important to do - both for the benefit of the community which has certainly helped in my growth as well as for myself.

I won’t be as contrived to say I have a responsibility to post it because, frankly, who the heck am I? Having said that, if we all fail to contribute something to the community, the community doesn’t grow. We all need to constantly strive to follow the conservationist mantra I learned in the Scouting - “leave a place better than you found it”.

In this context, that imposes upon me the requirement to take direct, personal action - as opposed to telling all of you to do it - to add useful information and wisdom to this space.

Hopefully, that’s what you find here going forward. Not sure you’ll find that in the archival posts of this site, ported from Tumblr - I was younger and less experienced then. But, the content remains anyways and find what nuggets you may there.